Category Archives: overactive bladder

My Bitch of a Bladder

I should start by clarifying that if I’m upset with any part of my body (referring to it as a bitch), it would be my brain, since my neurological disease has been wreaking havoc in different parts of my body for a long time. I’m writing this in case there is someone out there that is dealing with some of the same issues… maybe knowing someone else feels your pain can be comforting.

I have written about my bladder issues for many years. I Really Need to Pee! was written way back in April 2012, and SomeONE with MS talks a lot about the invisible symptoms living with daily bladder inconveniences. My symptoms were initially urinary dysfunction/retention, which meant I wasn’t able to empty my bladder completely, so I’d end up with countless bladder and kidney infections.

After a few failed attempts to “dilate my urethra”, and many years of having to self-catheterize, I had surgery in 2005 where an implant (a pacemaker-like device) was effective in helping my MS brain send signals to tell my bladder to empty. It helped me for many years, but bladder issues have been prevalent in my journey with MS for as long as I can remember. Since that initial surgery 11 years ago, I’ve had four more to replace it or to change the battery.

Last year I started having a different kind of problem with my bladder. Continue reading

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